"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
Dear Heavenly Father,
I have so much to thank you for on this Thanksgiving Day. True, the turkey was delicious and my parents and I were together once more, but there is something much deeper that I must give thanks for. I must give thanks to the Lord, my savior.
My thank you list:
1. For pulling me out of the darkness and depression with God's son, Christ's love. Now I know life has more meaning than self-seeking. In Christ I have eternal life and hope for a world of joy that lasts always. When this body is dead I know I may still live on in spirit only by his grace. When I had no faith I was dead. I walked in a darkened laberynth questing for human kindness which was always gained and then lost. I seeked a career and a way to please everyone. Yet, all these could be taken away any moment...I must be thankful always and pray continually. I must seize the day to give thanks to the Lord for He has created me and given me life...a life that knows no tears only laughter and smiles in all circumstances.
2. For helping me see that studying God's word is all the hope I have in this life. Bible study could do much more for my well being than any psychiotrist ever could. I know look at the beauty of the world with new eyes... I look past the worldly things and see the heart of God behind all He has created and I am oh so thankful. In every tree branch and rain drop I see his face and his love for me.
3. For embracing me with love when others would shun me. I suffered much during school years yet the Lord guided me to Him and only Him. He is the only friend who will never leave me and when I die I know my last thought would be of Him and his love. Only his love is constant and my happiness in Him is in turn constant and knows no bounds.
4. For my mother's health. The Lord has blessed her. Even though she suffers from a brain tumor, she studies continually for accounting and works full time. She is my wonder woman! She has guided me through life and given me so much love and kindness. She was there for me and is my best friend. I deeply repent for hurting her with cruel words and rebellion. I never appreciated her love yet now I see how much she has done for me
5. For M Sarah who has been my spiritual mother and friend. Her kindness and love knows no bounds and she is an inspiration for how I wish to follow God's mission my whole life. Her heart of gold is what I wish to emulate as a missionary and Bible teacher one day. Bless her for all her faith and her constant love and belief in my own spiritual growth. Bless her family, Shepard David and little Danny
6. For helping me see what being faithful trully means. That faith is not changeable but constant. We might receive joy from reading a good book or watching a Broadway show, yet once we are finished with the entertainment, we crave more. We become miserable when things dont go our way. Yet, if we have faith, everything is possible. I pray to accept the Lord's will and live every day with the hope of seeking Him and developing a deep personal relationship. Only He guides my steps in this chaotic world.