Life is a song worth singing...
The Thorn Birds is a mini series from the 80s that touched my soul. I looked up into the dark sky from my bedroom window and cried out...cried bitter tears of devotion and sadness. Yes sadness, because I know what it means to sacrifice your life for something you hold dearer than your own life and that is love for someone else. I love God and people and I cannot choose between them just like Father Ralph cannot do in this brilliant tale. As I looked to the dark sky I prayed to God that he may guide me to know what love is. That in loving Him I may never let go of love. Should we make that choice between God and love? I asked this of myself.
No matter how much Maggie suffered and lost, she never lost her ability to love. Her human spirit persevered all suffering. I see so much of what I ve learned about our Savior Jesus Christ through Father Ralph's struggle with himself. He could never give up Maggie for he loved her with all his life yet he couldnt give up God. I never will give up God and as I watched this film I made a vow to Him. I shall never leave Him but I will never let go of my capacity to love. I do love certain people in my life with all my heart and I vow to Him to protect them and take care of them till the end. My vow of love is eternal to both Him and to those on this earth.
As the film shows, we are sent here to this earth to suffer so much yet we must keep our ability to love within our hearts to the end and sing for happiness like the thorn birds. Father Ralph says as he dies, "they keep singing even as they die with the thorn in their breast" I wish to be like the thorn bird, giving my life for God and suffering all for eternal happiness in His Kingdom yet never giving up on love. It takes all our strength and spirit to overcome all suffering and yet never let go of our capacity to love each other. I shall love till the end of my days. Yes, that is my vow to you my Lord. My heart sings for you always.
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