Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dead Poets Society

Never have I seen a film that has inspired me so.

I wish to run under the rain and write and write

Till my fingers are stiff from the writing

The world seemed an endless dark pit to me earlier today

As I lost my best friend of 10 years and we will never speak again

Yet I know now that the loss was not much when I gained freedom of spirit and life

I saw what it means to dig deep into your soul and find the true marrow of life

To live each moment and see the beauty in every tree branch, every leaf, every rain drop

To die would be a waste whereas to live is a miracle

Yes, this is what I learned from this wonderous English teacher in the film.

I am reminded of my own mentor in High School and how she has and still does inspire me daily

How before I used to be all alone but now I am comforted through writing.

Poetry, testimony, narrative...they are the essence of our being

I can finally look to the sky and know that the dark clouds have passed

And a glorious rainbow smiles down on me

In this movie, in this life, in this moment I know I am not alone.

Somewhere from within
A voice tries to escape
it is feeble yet penetrating

Tugging at their ears
trying to make them hear

The others-those outside
How I wish I could know them
How I wish this selfishness away

A tiny girl makes sand castles
with her small shaking hands
Sculpting away for hours
Digging deep in the sand
to hide the deadly tears
screaming from deep down
The lifeless clay mocks her.

Watching and always seeing
Observing them all with curious eyes
and an unsymetrical face

Seeing through them all
Yet finding true friendship

She sits and sculpts
Dreaming of truth
Dreaming of something higher.

A being beyond this wretched world
Someone to embrace forever
This small frail human body
with Heavenly love
And make this darkness disappear.